Saya sudah pernah posting mengenai Avast! 5.0.677 beberapa bulan sebelumnya. Versi Avast! terbaru kali ini adalah Avast! 5.1.864. Lumayan banyak
perkembangan loh..
perkembangan loh..
Yang baru dari Avast! Free 5.1.864:
-Antivirus and anti-spyware engine
State of the art scanning engine provides reliable protection against viruses, spyware and other forms of malicious software.
-Code emulator
When a suspicious executable is encountered (during both on-demand and on-access scanning), avast! is able to emulate the program’s code in an isolated environment. The code emulator is used for two purposes. First, it is used for generic unpacking. Secondly, it is used in the heuristics engine. Technically, this is done using dynamic translation, a method much faster than traditional emulation techniques.
-Heuristics engineStarting with version 5.0, avast! features a new heuristics engine designed to proactively detect malware undetectable with normal definitions. The heuristics engine is able to cover both binary (executable) and script malware.
-avast! Intelligent Scanner
Can reduce the number of required file scans by up to 80% through a white list of proven safe applications. Files identified as safe are not rescanned unless they change.
-Behavior Shield
-Behavior Shield
Monitors activity on your computer using a number of sensors (file system, registry and network based) and reports/blocks any suspicious behavior.
-Fast application of updates
New format for the virus definition file speeds up application of updates into avast! 5.0 and reduces demand on CPU/memory, resulting in uninterrupted computer use.
New format for the virus definition file means faster updates and reduces demand on CPU/memory, resulting in uninterrupted computer use.
-Silent/Gaming Mode
New format for the virus definition file means faster updates and reduces demand on CPU/memory, resulting in uninterrupted computer use.
-Silent/Gaming Mode
New Silent/Gaming Mode automatically detects full-screen applications and disables pop-ups and other on-screen notifications without degrading security.
-Multi-threaded scanning optimization
avast! runs faster on new multi-core CPUs. A new avast! feature allows the splitting of large individual files between cores, accelerating the scanning process.
Setelah install, Avast! akan melakukan "scanning" terlebih dahulu. Jika tidak ingin ditunggu "cancel" saja.
Ingat setelah install registrasikan-lah Avast! Anda. Di Mantainance>Registration, pada bagian tab Offline registration, klik "Insert the license key". Valid dah ampe taon depan..
Info: Software Avast! Free Antivirus 5.1.864 ini saya uji coba, untuk aktivasi berjalan dengan lancar. Fully tested n 100% worked...
Note: juga support Vista dan Seven 64 bit..
Password: henryvan
UPDATE: Agar up-to-date, update database virus Avast!. Di Mantainance>update, pilih "update engine and virus definition" atau "update program". Jika tersedia program Avast! yang lebih baru, gak perlu susah-susah download installer yang baru, tinggal klik "update program"..jalan deh..
Tinggalkan juga yah sobat ..
Setelah install, Avast! akan melakukan "scanning" terlebih dahulu. Jika tidak ingin ditunggu "cancel" saja.
Ingat setelah install registrasikan-lah Avast! Anda. Di Mantainance>Registration, pada bagian tab Offline registration, klik "Insert the license key". Valid dah ampe taon depan..
Info: Software Avast! Free Antivirus 5.1.864 ini saya uji coba, untuk aktivasi berjalan dengan lancar. Fully tested n 100% worked...
Note: juga support Vista dan Seven 64 bit..
Password: henryvan
UPDATE: Agar up-to-date, update database virus Avast!. Di Mantainance>update, pilih "update engine and virus definition" atau "update program". Jika tersedia program Avast! yang lebih baru, gak perlu susah-susah download installer yang baru, tinggal klik "update program"..jalan deh..
Tinggalkan juga yah sobat ..
wach,ini dia anti virus andalan saya....
BalasHapusmakasih ya ka...
@sibutiz: u'r welcome sob,,, :)
BalasHapuspunya activation codenya gak?
BalasHapus@arashikensho: ada, saya ada sediain juga link bt License Key-nya kok,,tepat di bawah link Download Avast-nya,,
BalasHapuskak cara manual update program nya gmana??
BalasHapusThanks mas
BalasHapusthankz so much bung
BalasHapus@Dimaz Novian S: untuk update program sdh saya tambah post ini, di bagian "UPDATE".. Semoga bermanfaat,,, Untuk update progam harus online yah..
BalasHapus@Anonim: sama-sama sob,,,
@fauzi: u'r welcome Bung..
kaka henry makasih byk....
BalasHapuswalaupun belom dicoba, saya yakin ko pasti bisa....
maju terus ya kaka
BalasHapusmantapp khasiatnya..........
@TECHTIIPS: makasih ya sobat :)
BalasHapus@RYAN: sama2 sob..
makasih berat gan!!!
BalasHapusbravo henry
sama2 bro.. mampir sering2 yo, hehe...
BalasHapuskok minta password unblock key nya gan??
BalasHapus@Anonim: yup, karena memang saya protect, hehe.. Pass nya seperti biasa "henryvan". :)
BalasHapustq, it's work
BalasHapus@Anonim: oke u'r welcome...